It’s been a while now since my blog became popular and I have more than thousand visitors a month. Thank you for your confidence and comments you made! What about something new in 2012?
I am thinking of adding a forum to this blog in order to let you post your projects and modifications (e.g. at the dockstar) with the chance of being featured on the blog. It would let you answer someones questions without waiting for my reply. When I look at google analytics there are a couple of sites out the web discussing my articles. Why not discussing here with the chance of some words from me?
Before setting it up I want to know what you think about this idea. If you participate the poll I would appreciate you comment on your choise.
Should I add a forum to this blog to discuss things more easy?
Yes, great idea! (64%, 16 Votes)
Nah, it’s not worth it. (32%, 8 Votes)
I don’t care. (4%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 25