I was tired connecting my cellphone with an old cassette adapter to my VW Golf with an Beta 5 in it. I needed something new, something cool. And here it is, a fully functional interface between the Beta 5 and any device you want to play the music with.
This project raised out of an ebay search: I just wanted to know if there is a solution to get an AUX input on the car radio. Yes there is, even complete mp3 players are available. But that’s not what I wanted – at first!
Then I started digging the web for more info about the protocol the radio talks to cd changers. The idea was to build a tiny thingy that fakes a cd changer and simply enables the AUX input (as it is available in several online stores). But during the development my ambition became greater and I wanted to read the keys pressed on the radio to remote control my RPi.
1. Understanding the Protocol
First of all this is the pinout of the radio: rkieslinger.de/steckerbelegungen/vag-stecker.htm The interesting cell is no. 3, the blue one. DATA IN simply is MOSI of an 8bit SPI interface with special timings between the bytes CLOCK is SCK of the SPI DATA OUT is the key code of the pressed key on the radio itself
The radio needs a sequence of bytes to enable the AUX input and display CD# and TR#. It looks likes this:
frame cd# tr# time time mode frame frame
0x34, 0xBE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0x3C
cd# and tr# are sent inverted. So this sequence will display: CD1 TR00 mode sets the playmode (PLAY|SHFFL|SCAN) As the beta doesn’t support time display, I will ignore these bytes.
If cd mode is switched on/off or keys are pressed, 4 byte messages will be sent from the radio. They are coded like RC5 messages. Each message has a startsequence. A low byte has a short low phase, a high byte a longer low phase. Everything you need to know can be found in the pictures here: martinsuniverse.de/projekte/cdc_protokoll/cdc_protokoll.html
2. Remote commands from the radio
As you know 4 byte messages are sent. The following pattern describes the control codes:
head head cmd !cmd
0x53 0x2C 0xAA 0x55
Here is the complete list of all bytes from all keys:
switch on in cd mode/radio to cd (play)
0x53 0x2C 0xE4 0x1B
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
switch off in cd mode/cd to radio (pause)
0x53 0x2C 0x10 0xEF
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
0x53 0x2C 0xF8 0x7
0x53 0x2C 0x78 0x87
seek next
0x53 0x2C 0xD8 0x27 hold down
0x53 0x2C 0xE4 0x1B release
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
seek prev
0x53 0x2C 0x58 0xA7 hold down
0x53 0x2C 0xE4 0x1B release
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
cd 1
0x53 0x2C 0x0C 0xF3
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
0x53 0x2C 0x38 0xC7
send new cd no. to confirm change, else:
0x53 0x2C 0xE4 0x1B beep, no cd (same as play)
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
cd 2
0x53 0x2C 0x8C 0x73
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
0x53 0x2C 0x38 0xC7
send new cd no. to confirm change, else:
0x53 0x2C 0xE4 0x1B beep, no cd (same as play)
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
cd 3
0x53 0x2C 0x4C 0xB3
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
0x53 0x2C 0x38 0xC7
send new cd no. to confirm change, else:
0x53 0x2C 0xE4 0x1B beep, no cd (same as play)
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
cd 4
0x53 0x2C 0xCC 0x33
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
0x53 0x2C 0x38 0xC7
send new cd no. to confirm change, else:
0x53 0x2C 0xE4 0x1B beep, no cd (same as play)
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
cd 5
0x53 0x2C 0x2C 0xD3
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
0x53 0x2C 0x38 0xC7
send new cd no. to confirm change, else:
0x53 0x2C 0xE4 0x1B beep, no cd (same as play)
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
cd 6
0x53 0x2C 0xAC 0x53
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
0x53 0x2C 0x38 0xC7
send new cd no. to confirm change, else:
0x53 0x2C 0xE4 0x1B beep, no cd (same as play)
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
scan (in 'play', 'shffl' or 'scan' mode)
0x53 0x2C 0xA0 0x5F
shuffle in 'play' mode
0x53 0x2C 0x60 0x9F
shuffle in 'shffl' mode
0x53 0x2C 0x08 0xF7
0x53 0x2C 0x14 0xEB
The micro controller will only send the 3rd byte after error check over uart. See below.
3. The Hardware I picked
- Atmel ATmega32A
- 1117 Regulator (maybe not the best, it’s heating up at >50mA due to the high drop voltage)
- FTDI FT230X as uart usb bridge
- ISO connector to fit into the radio
4. Programming the AVR
First thing about the uart communication. I use the library of Peter Fleury: homepage.hispeed.ch/peterfleury
To be independent from clockrates I utilized delay loops instead of timers to create correct timings. Hopefully my comments in the code explains everything very well.
* Created: 23.06.2013 20:00:51
* Author: Dennis Schuett, dev.shyd.de
#define F_CPU 8000000UL
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "uart.h"
#define UART_BAUD_RATE 9600
#define LED_PWR PA0
#define RADIO_OUT PD2
#define FT_CBUS1 PD3
#define CDC_PREFIX1 0x53
#define CDC_PREFIX2 0x2C
#define CDC_END_CMD 0x14
#define CDC_PLAY 0xE4
#define CDC_STOP 0x10
#define CDC_NEXT 0xF8
#define CDC_PREV 0x78
#define CDC_SEEK_FWD 0xD8
#define CDC_SEEK_RWD 0x58
#define CDC_CD1 0x0C
#define CDC_CD2 0x8C
#define CDC_CD3 0x4C
#define CDC_CD4 0xCC
#define CDC_CD5 0x2C
#define CDC_CD6 0xAC
#define CDC_SCAN 0xA0
#define CDC_SFL 0x60
#define CDC_PLAY_NORMAL 0x08
#define MODE_PLAY 0xFF
#define MODE_SHFFL 0x55
#define MODE_SCAN 0x00
uint16_t captimehi = 0;
uint16_t captimelo = 0;
uint8_t capturingstart = 0;
uint8_t capturingbytes = 0;
uint32_t cmd = 0;
uint8_t cmdbit = 0;
uint8_t newcmd = 0;
uint8_t shutdownpending = 0;
uint8_t getCommand(uint32_t cmd);
void shutdown();
void softreset();
volatile uint8_t cd;
volatile uint8_t tr;
volatile uint8_t mode;
ISR(INT0_vect) //remote signals
if (capturingstart || capturingbytes)
captimelo = TCNT1;
capturingstart = 1;
TCNT1 = 0;
//eval times
if (captimehi > 8300 && captimelo > 3500)
capturingstart = 0;
capturingbytes = 1;
//uart_puts("startseq found\r\n");
else if(capturingbytes && captimelo > 1500)
//uart_puts("bit 1\r\n");
cmd = (cmd<<1) | 0x00000001;
else if (capturingbytes && captimelo > 500)
//uart_puts("bit 0\r\n");
cmd = (cmd<<1);
//uart_puts("nothing found\r\n");
if(cmdbit == 32)
//uart_puts("new cmd\r\n");
newcmd = 1;
cmdbit = 0;
capturingbytes = 0;
captimehi = TCNT1;
TCNT1 = 0;
ISR(INT1_vect) //ft230x cbus1
if (PIND & (1<<FT_CBUS1)) //reset radio display to 'PLAY' CD01 TR00
//PORTA &= ~(1<<LED_PWR);
cd = 0xBE;
tr = 0xFF;
mode = 0xFF;
else //usb connect
PORTA |= (1<<LED_PWR);
PORTA &= ~(1<<LED_PWR);
cd = 0xB0;
tr = 0x00;
uint8_t spi_xmit(uint8_t val) {
SPDR = val;
while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)));
return SPDR;
void send_package(uint8_t c0, uint8_t c1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t c3, uint8_t c4, uint8_t c5, uint8_t c6, uint8_t c7)
int main(void)
cd = 0xBE;
tr = 0xFF;
mode = 0xFF;
DDRA |= (1<<LED_PWR);
PORTD |= (1<<FT_CBUS1);
//init SPI
DDRB |= (1<<PB5) | (1<<PB7)| (1<<DDB4);
// SPI Type: Master
// SPI Clock Rate: 62,500 kHz
// SPI Clock Phase: Cycle Start
// SPI Clock Polarity: Low
// SPI Data Order: MSB First
SPCR=0x57;//at 8MHz
//SPCR=0x56;//at 4MHz
//beta commands -> cdc
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS11); // no prescaler 8 -> 1 timer clock tick is 1us long
GICR |= (1<<INT0) | (1<<INT1);
MCUCR |= (1<<ISC00) | (1<<ISC10); //any change on INT0 and INT1
//init led on
PORTA |= (1<<LED_PWR);
//uart_puts("VAG_CDC ready...\r\n");
PORTA &= ~(1<<LED_PWR);
send_package(0x74,0xBE,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x8F,0x7C); //idle
send_package(0x34,0xFF,0xFE,0xFE,0xFE,0xFF,0xFA,0x3C); //load disc
send_package(0x74,0xBE,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x8F,0x7C); //idle
int r = uart_getc();
//r has new data
if(r <= 0xFF)
//send inverted CD No.
if((r & 0xC0) == 0xC0)
if (r == 0xCA)
mode = MODE_SCAN;
else if (r == 0xCB)
mode = MODE_SHFFL;
else if (r == 0xCC)
mode = MODE_PLAY;
cd = 0xFF^(r & 0x0F);
//send inverted TR No.
tr = 0xFF^r;
// disc trk min sec
if (newcmd)
newcmd = 0;
uint8_t c = getCommand(cmd);
if (c)
/*if (c == CDC_STOP)
shutdownpending = 1;
else if (shutdownpending && c == CDC_END_CMD)
shutdownpending = 0;
PORTA &= ~(1<<LED_PWR);
PORTA |= (1<<LED_PWR);
uint8_t getCommand(uint32_t cmd)
if (((cmd>>24) & 0xFF) == CDC_PREFIX1 && ((cmd>>16) & 0xFF) == CDC_PREFIX2)
if (((cmd>>8) & 0xFF) == (0xFF^((cmd) & 0xFF)))
return (cmd>>8) & 0xFF;
return 0;
Additional info can be found here: <www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/28549> (in German)
5. The Circuit
Nothing special here, just an ISP header for programming the AVR, USB connector, voltage regulator, LED,… For feature circuits in the glovebox I provided 12V, 5V and GND through further pins. I was thinking of powering the RPi directly from my faker. But I don’t know if the radio is able to provide around 400mAmps. Even the regulator would heat up like hell at these currents.

The FT230X is programmed as selfpowered and CBUS1 as output for the #POWER_ON singnal.
6. Bringing all together: MPD and RPi
Now we need a wrapper for mpc
to let mpd act as our cd changer. I’ve written a python script to evaluate the radio commands and send cd and track numbers back periodically. The script starts at startup by the rc.local
and checks for the connected faker. The last listened cd no. will be stored in a file to send it to the faker if something is restarted or reconnected. I let the script stop mpd to save power and make sure the current settings are synced with the filesystem, because a powerfail will cause a corrupted playlist. The music is stored in /var/vag_cdc/cdX
where X is the cd no. 1 to 6. You can put up to 99 tracks in each folder due to radio display limitations.
import os
import serial
import string
import time
# bytes sent when radio keys are pressed
CDC_END_CMD = chr(0x14)
CDC_PLAY = chr(0xE4)
CDC_STOP = chr(0x10)
CDC_NEXT = chr(0xF8)
CDC_PREV = chr(0x78)
CDC_SEEK_FWD = chr(0xD8)
CDC_SEEK_RWD = chr(0x58)
CDC_CD1 = chr(0x0C)
CDC_CD2 = chr(0x8C)
CDC_CD3 = chr(0x4C)
CDC_CD4 = chr(0xCC)
CDC_CD5 = chr(0x2C)
CDC_CD6 = chr(0xAC)
CDC_CDSET = chr(0x38)
CDC_SCAN = chr(0xA0)
CDC_SFL = chr(0x60)
CDC_PLAY_NORMAL = chr(0x08)
# control bytes to set the display
CMD_SCAN = chr(0xCA)
CMD_SHFFL = chr(0xCB)
CMD_PLAY = chr(0xCC)
CD_MASK = 0xC0
cd_filename = "/var/vag_cdc/last_cd"
global ser
ser = None
timeout_seek = 0.5
timeout_normal = 2
# send current cd no. to radio and save it for next reboot
def set_cd_no(val):
fo = open(cd_filename, "wb")
# load new cd-dir
def play_cd(cd_no):
if ser.read() == CDC_END_CMD and ser.read() == CDC_CDSET:
r = os.popen("mpc ls cd" + str(cd_no)).read()
if r != "":
set_cd_no(chr(CD_MASK + cd_no))
os.popen("mpc clear")
os.popen("mpc ls cd" + str(cd_no) + " | mpc add")
os.popen("mpc play")
# init serial and last cd no. for correct radio display
def connect():
global ser
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)
ser.timeout = timeout_normal #we need a timeout to update the track no.
ser.writeTimeout = timeout_normal
fo = open(cd_filename, "rb")
cd = fo.read(1)
print "no last cd no. [not sending cd#]"
time.sleep(2) #wait before retrying
os.popen("/etc/init.d/mpd restart") #restart mpd due to alsa-equalizer
# read cmds from the radio and act like a cd changer
c = ser.read()
if c == CDC_PLAY:
if ser.read() == CDC_END_CMD:
os.popen("/etc/init.d/mpd start")
os.popen("mpc play")
os.popen("mpc repeat on")
elif c == CDC_STOP:
if ser.read() == CDC_END_CMD:
#os.popen("mpc pause")
# stop service to sync current status
os.popen("/etc/init.d/mpd stop")
elif c == CDC_NEXT:
os.popen("mpc next")
elif c == CDC_PREV:
os.popen("mpc prev")
elif c == CDC_SEEK_FWD:
ser.timeout = timeout_seek
os.popen("mpc seek +00:00:10")
if ser.read() == CDC_PLAY and ser.read() == CDC_END_CMD:
ser.timeout = timeout_normal
elif c == CDC_SEEK_RWD:
ser.timeout = timeout_seek
os.popen("mpc seek -00:00:10")
if ser.read() == CDC_PLAY and ser.read() == CDC_END_CMD:
ser.timeout = timeout_normal
elif c == CDC_CD1:
elif c == CDC_CD2:
elif c == CDC_CD3:
elif c == CDC_CD4:
elif c == CDC_CD5:
elif c == CDC_CD6:
elif c == CDC_SCAN:
os.popen("mpc update")
elif c == CDC_SFL:
os.popen("mpc random on")
elif c == CDC_PLAY_NORMAL:
if ser.read() == CDC_END_CMD:
os.popen("mpc random off")
#get current track no. (radio display will be delayed up to {timeout_normal})
mpc = os.popen("mpc |grep ] #").read()
mpc = mpc.split("/", 1)
mpc = mpc[0].split("#", 1)
tr = chr(string.atoi(mpc[1], 16))
print "not playing"
#get current playmode
mpc = os.popen("mpc | grep random:").read()
mpc = mpc.split("random: ", 1)
if mpc[1].startswith("on"):
elif mpc[1].startswith("off"):
print "not playing"
except (serial.SerialException, serial.SerialTimeoutException):
print "serial port unavailable, reconnecting..."
except (KeyboardInterrupt):
if ser is not None:
print "port closed!"
print "KeyboardInterrupt detected, exiting..."
7. Some further ideas
The project is mostly complete - for now. But there are some things I have in mind that could be quite nice to have. It would be awesome if it had bluetooth to remote control my android phone. Or mute the radio at incoming calls and act as a hands free set. But what I’ve done lately is preparing the RPi with Wifi, so it connects automatically to my Wifi, when parking in the garage to sync the music folders with rsync.